Cracking the Code: The Art of Software Maintenance for Long-Term Success

Building a new software application is like constructing a new home. It’s an exciting process as you envision the end result and the benefits it will bring. But once the initial excitement fades, the work is far from over. Just as your home requires ongoing maintenance to stay in good condition, your software needs regular upkeep to remain functional and relevant to users, especially if it’s a software-as-a-service product.

Unlike adding new features, maintenance may not be as exciting, but it’s crucial for the long-term success of your software. Proper maintenance involves careful planning, budgeting, and execution, often happening behind the scenes without anyone noticing. Neglecting maintenance tasks can have serious consequences for your software in the future.

Many teams are eager to bring their product to market quickly to attract users and generate revenue. However, rushing through important steps in the development process can be costly and even disastrous in the long run. It’s essential to take the time to build a solid foundation, just like a house needs a strong concrete base before construction can begin.

Similar to how a home undergoes inspection before it’s sold, software applications also go through a due diligence process, where potential investors evaluate the business and its assets. This process includes security risk assessments and code reviews. If the software hasn’t been properly maintained and accumulated significant technical debt (the consequences of poorly written code and neglected upgrades), the deal can be jeopardized.

Technical debt, like financial debt, accumulates and can result in higher costs and potential loss of assets if left unpaid. Prospective buyers will thoroughly assess the software stack to estimate the total technical debt. To avoid this, committing to regular maintenance and risk analysis from the beginning is crucial rather than waiting for a due diligence event.

This article argues that an experienced team of technologists and product owners is best equipped to foresee risks and implement processes to avoid or mitigate them. Entrusting maintenance tasks to such a partner, whether internal or external, ensures the longevity and success of your software while maintaining high valuations.

The foundation of your software product refers to its infrastructure. Opting for a self-hosting solution may seem cost-effective initially, but it introduces risks and complexity. If the server goes down, the software becomes unusable unless backup resources and teams are working around the clock. Prospective buyers will assess the existing infrastructure if they plan to leave the application in place. A technology partner can advise on choosing reliable hosting providers with distributed networks and content delivery systems, ensuring high uptime, security, and incident management.

The application environment, particularly the software framework, is a significant component. Frameworks provide the structure for application software development and require maintenance for security and bug fixes. It’s important to keep the framework version up to date, as older versions can accumulate technical debt. Regular testing of the application with each new framework release is necessary. Choosing the right framework from the beginning is crucial, as migrating to a different one can be time-consuming and expensive. An experienced partner can guide you in selecting a framework with broad-based support, documentation, and a long projected lifespan.

Code review is an essential practice that confirms the use of best software development practices during application creation. Similar to a property inspection report for a home, a code review provides a baseline understanding of accumulated technical debt, scalability, and code maintainability. It helps determine what it takes to modify or add new functionality. A code review examines system design, architecture, codebase size, technologies used, complexity, privacy and security risks, and third-party dependencies. It also evaluates the robustness of algorithms and data models for future growth.

Data security is critical, and potential acquirers, larger customers, and investors often demand security assessments. These assessments analyze security patches, incident and defect analysis, privacy and security risks, third-party dependencies, and infrastructure risks. In some industries, companies must meet data security standards, and failure to do so can result in penalties. Security plans based on established frameworks and proper corporate governance documentation are essential.

A well-defined product roadmap is crucial for the future of your software during due diligence. Just as a house has a future, your software must have a documented plan for future technology maintenance. Documentation and procedures should mitigate the risk of losing a key person and ensure the application can operate without them.

Product teams can plan future maintenance work effectively and impress during due diligence by integrating maintenance activities into feature enhancements and new releases. Experienced entrepreneurs and technical product owners can provide valuable guidance based on their own experiences, helping combine expectations with the reality of software development.

At REEA Global, our team members are experienced entrepreneurs who have launched numerous products, started and sold companies. We’re not just consultants; we’re builders and entrepreneurs who partner with you to optimize your software’s health, accelerate product development, and maximize its value. Contact us to discover how we can help increase your valuation and reduce technical debt.

Converting Angular Apps to React: A Comprehensive Guide for Seamless Migration

In today’s fast-paced software development landscape, companies constantly seek ways to improve their applications and deliver exceptional user experiences. As technologies evolve, so do the frameworks and tools available to developers. Regarding modern web development, Angular and React are two popular JavaScript frameworks offering powerful capabilities. However, as companies strive to stay ahead of the curve, there comes a time when migrating Angular apps to React becomes an attractive option.

This article will explore the considerations a company should make when contemplating a migration from Angular to React. We will delve into various migration strategies, weigh the advantages and disadvantages of migrating, and discuss why a company might want to embark on this journey. Additionally, we will provide a step-by-step walkthrough of the process of converting an Angular app to React. So, if you’re curious about the path to a more efficient and flexible front end, let’s dive in.

Considerations for Converting Angular Apps to React:

Before embarking on a migration project, it is crucial to evaluate several key areas. Understanding these factors will help you make an informed decision and plan your migration strategy effectively. Some of the essential considerations include:

1. Scalability and Performance: Assess whether the current Angular app meets scalability and performance requirements, then determine if migrating to React would offer better performance optimizations and enable the application to scale seamlessly.

2. Community Support and Ecosystem: Consider the size and vibrancy of the React community and its vast ecosystem of libraries, tools, and resources. Assess if the availability of community support aligns with your development needs and goals.

3. Development Team Skill Set: Evaluate your team’s familiarity and expertise with Angular and React to determine if upskilling the team in React would be viable or if hiring new talent would be necessary.

4. Long-term Goals and Maintenance: Analyze your application’s long-term vision and compatibility with either Angular or React. Assess the ease of maintenance and the ability to attract developers with the relevant skill sets.

Why Migrate from Angular to React:

There are several compelling reasons why a company might choose to migrate from Angular to React:

1. Vulnerability Management: As a Google product, Angular’s security is primarily managed by Google’s security team. While Google has a strong track record in security, some companies prefer a framework with a larger open-source community actively monitoring and addressing security vulnerabilities. On the other hand, React benefits from a vast and diverse community that actively contributes to security audits, bug fixes, and timely updates.

2.  Improved Performance and Scalability: React’s efficient rendering and virtual DOM often result in faster page load times and improved scalability, especially for larger applications.

3. Enhanced Developer Productivity: React’s component-based architecture, reusable UI elements, and extensive ecosystem contribute to increased developer productivity and faster iteration cycles.

4. Flexibility and Future-Proofing: React’s popularity and wide adoption ensure long-term community support and active development, reducing the risk of framework obsolescence.

5. Seamless Integration: React’s integration capabilities enable smooth integration with other libraries and frameworks, making incorporating new features and technologies into your application easier.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Migrating:


1. Enhanced Performance: React’s virtual DOM and efficient rendering mechanisms often perform better than Angular.

2. Improved Developer Experience: React’s component-based architecture and declarative nature make it more intuitive and developer-friendly, fostering increased productivity.

3. Rich Ecosystem: React’s vast ecosystem offers a plethora of libraries and tools that enable rapid development and integration with other frameworks.

4. Better UI Interactivity: React’s unidirectional data flow allows for easier state management, making UI interactions more responsive and intuitive.


1. Learning Curve: Migrating to React requires developers to learn new concepts and patterns, which may temporarily slow development speed.

2. Time and Cost: Depending on the size and complexity of the Angular app, migrating to React can be a time-consuming and costly endeavor, requiring careful planning and execution.

3. Potential Bugs and Compatibility Issues: Transferring existing code to a new framework can introduce bugs and compatibility challenges that must be addressed during migration.

Converting an Angular App to React:

Now, let’s walk through the process of converting an Angular app to React, outlining the key steps involved:

1. Analysis and Planning:

  • Assess the complexity and size of the Angular app to determine the scope of the migration project.
  • Identify the dependencies, external libraries, and custom components used in the Angular app.
  • Plan the migration strategy, considering whether to migrate the entire application at once or adopt a gradual, component-by-component approach.

2. Set up the React Environment:

  • Install the necessary tools and dependencies, including Node.js and React.
  • Create a new React project structure that mirrors the existing Angular app’s organization.
  • Set up the required build configuration and package management.

3. Component Migration:

  • Begin with migrating individual Angular components to their React equivalents.
  • Rewrite Angular templates using JSX syntax and convert Angular directives and bindings to React syntax.
  • Update component state management using React’s state or state management libraries like Redux or MobX.
  • Adapt Angular services to their React counterparts or reimplement functionality using React’s preferred patterns.

4. Reusing Existing Code:

  • Identify reusable business logic, utility functions, and shared components in the Angular app.
  • Extract and refactor these components and services to be framework-agnostic.
  • Create wrapper components or utilities to bridge the gap between Angular and React, enabling the reuse of existing code.

5. Testing and Refinement:

  • Develop comprehensive test cases to validate the functionality and behavior of the migrated components.
  • Execute unit, integration, and end-to-end tests to ensure the application works as expected.
  • Iteratively refine and optimize the migrated components based on test results and user feedback.

6. Gradual Adoption and Integration:

  • As components are migrated, gradually integrate them into the existing Angular app, ensuring compatibility and smooth transitions.
  • Update routing and navigation to align with React’s routing libraries, such as React Router.
  • Continuously test and validate the application’s functionality during the integration process.

7. Optimization and Performance:

  • Utilize React’s performance optimization techniques, such as memoization, virtualization, and code splitting, to improve application performance.
  • Identify and address any performance bottlenecks or rendering inefficiencies that arise during the migration process.

Migrating an Angular app to React can be a transformative process that offers enhanced performance, improved developer experience, and long-term flexibility. However, it requires careful consideration, planning, and execution to ensure a successful transition. Your company can embark on a seamless migration journey by evaluating key considerations, understanding the advantages and disadvantages, and following a systematic walkthrough.

So, if you’re ready to unlock the potential of React and future-proof your frontend development, begin assessing your Angular app today and explore the possibilities that await.

REEA Global is a full-service user experience research and software development firm. For more information or to talk to one of our specialists, contact us at

Harnessing the Power of ChatGPT: Revolutionizing Business Conversations


In today’s fast-paced digital era, businesses constantly seek innovative ways to streamline operations and enhance customer experiences. With advancements in artificial intelligence (AI), one groundbreaking technology that has gained significant attention is ChatGPT. ChatGPT is an advanced AI language model developed by OpenAI that has garnered significant attention for its ability to engage in human-like conversations. It leverages natural language processing and machine learning to understand and respond to various queries and prompts. ChatGPT brings a new level of sophistication to human-computer interactions, opening up a realm of possibilities for businesses to leverage its capabilities. In this article, we will explore the various applications of ChatGPT and how they can transform how businesses engage with their customers, streamline support systems, and empower decision-making processes.

Potential Uses and Advantages

Enhanced Customer Support: ChatGPT serves as a reliable virtual assistant in customer support, augmenting human agents and delivering efficient, personalized assistance around the clock. For instance, imagine a telecommunications company utilizing ChatGPT to handle many customer inquiries. With its natural language processing capabilities, ChatGPT can understand and respond to a wide range of customer queries, such as troubleshooting internet connectivity issues or explaining billing details. Because natural language processing is a core function of ChatGPT, customers can expect a personable support experience that enhances customer satisfaction. By alleviating the burden on human agents, businesses can significantly reduce response times and operate more efficiently.

Interactive Virtual Shopping Experience: With the rise of e-commerce, businesses strive to provide customers with an engaging and personalized online shopping experience. ChatGPT offers an opportunity to take this experience to the next level. For example, a fashion retailer can integrate ChatGPT into their website’s chatbot, allowing customers to interact with a virtual stylist. By asking questions about their style preferences, occasion, and budget, ChatGPT can provide tailored recommendations that guide customers through their shopping journey. This personalized touch increases the likelihood of conversion, repeat purchases, and meeting exceeding customers’ expectations.

Intelligent Decision Support: The business landscape is complex, so decision-makers often require valuable insights to make informed choices. ChatGPT can serve as a valuable tool in this process. Imagine a marketing manager leverages ChatGPT to analyze market trends, customer sentiment, and competitors’ strategies – by processing vast amounts of data and providing real-time recommendations, ChatGPT empowers decision-makers to swiftly adapt their marketing strategies, identify untapped opportunities, and stay ahead of the competition.

Language Translation and Localization: In an increasingly globalized world, businesses must communicate effectively across language barriers. ChatGPT’s language translation capabilities can bridge this gap seamlessly. For example, a multinational corporation conducting business across different countries can integrate ChatGPT into its communication platforms to provide instant translations in real-time. Whether it’s translating emails, customer inquiries, or collaborating with international teams, ChatGPT facilitates efficient communication by breaking down language barriers and fostering global collaboration. Though ChatGPT may not be completely accurate ( it is currently limited when it comes to contextual, cultural, and linguistic knowledge) the nature of the algorithm implies that the gaps in ChatGPTs knowledge will shrink over time, especially if businesses train the ChatGPT model with relevant data.

As businesses embrace the transformative potential of ChatGPT, the question arises: How can organizations leverage this technology to gain a competitive edge? From enhancing customer support to providing personalized shopping experiences, facilitating decision-making, and bridging language gaps, ChatGPT offers a multitude of applications that can revolutionize the way businesses operate and engage with their customers.

Where to start?

To embark on the journey of integrating ChatGPT, businesses must first familiarize themselves with its capabilities and define their objectives. From data preparation and choosing integration approaches to training, testing, and deployment, each step is vital in unlocking the true potential of ChatGPT within the business context.

  1. Determine Objectives: Clearly define the goals and objectives for using ChatGPT. Identify specific areas where it can add value, such as customer support, decision-making, or enhancing user experiences.

  1. Data Preparation: Gather relevant data or examples that align with the intended use of ChatGPT. This data will help train the model to generate accurate and contextually appropriate responses.

  1. Choose an Integration Approach: Decide how to integrate ChatGPT into existing systems or platforms. Opt for chatbot integration, API integration, or utilize pre-built solutions tailored to the specific needs of the business.

  1. Set Up the Development Environment: Set up the necessary development environment, including software frameworks and tools, to facilitate the integration and deployment of ChatGPT.

  1. Training and Fine-tuning: Train the ChatGPT model using prepared data and fine-tune it to align with a desired conversational style and business requirements. This step is crucial for ensuring accurate and contextually relevant responses.

  1. Testing and Iteration: Test implementation thoroughly by soliciting feedback and iterating on the model’s performance. This iterative process will help enhance the accuracy, reliability, and effectiveness of ChatGPT in addressing the business’s needs.

  1. Deployment and Monitoring: Once satisfied with the performance, deploy ChatGPT into live systems. Continuously monitor its interactions, performance, and user feedback to make ongoing improvements and optimize its usage.

Potential Limitations

Despite the tremendous promise of ChatGPT, it is not without its fair share of controversies. The most prominent concerns raised by critics are potential biases, unethical use of the technology, and the dissemination of misinformation. Using AI-powered chatbots also raises questions about job displacement and the diminishing need for human interaction. While it seems that technology is far away from replacing the human touch, keep these conversations in mind when investigating and using ChatGPT.

The era of AI-powered conversations has arrived, and businesses must adapt to stay relevant. How can businesses integrate ChatGPT into existing workflows and strategies? The possibilities are vast, and the rewards are substantial. Embrace the power of ChatGPT and unlock new dimensions of efficiency, innovation, and customer satisfaction. REEA Global harnessed ChatGBT to produce the bulk of this article.

REEA Global is a global, full-service user experience research and software development firm. For more information or to talk to one of our specialists, contact us at

When To Conduct UX Research

Understanding users’ needs, wants, and expectations can be the key to creating a successful user experience (UX). In this article, we will explore the importance of user experience research and when conducting user experience research is beneficial during product development.

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Benefits of Strategic Planning and Building a Product Roadmap

When it comes to building successful software, it’s essential to have a clear plan in place. This is where strategic planning and product roadmapping come in. Strategic planning involves setting goals and identifying the actions needed to achieve those goals. It helps businesses understand where they are going and how to get there. This information then translates into the actual activities related to product road mapping. Product road mapping involves identifying and prioritizing the features and capabilities based on your strategic plan. This article will explore the importance of strategic planning and product road mapping for software. We’ll examine how these processes can help organizations achieve their goals, stay focused, and build successful products. We’ll also discuss best practices for creating and maintaining a strategic plan and product roadmap. By the end of this article, you’ll better understand how to plan and execute your product vision effectively.

As we’ve mentioned, product road mapping is a crucial process for any software. But with so many potential options and feedback from stakeholders to consider, it can be overwhelming to create a roadmap that effectively communicates the direction of the product. That said, focus on four key steps and functions of the product roadmap:

  1. Develop a strategic plan,
  2. Determine themes, timeline, and key metrics,
  3. Create initiatives,
  4. Communicating the product roadmap,

Step 1: Strategic planning

Once you receive feedback from users, customers, and other stakeholders, it is time to build milestones and key metrics into your strategic plan. Your mission, vision, and values are what drive strategic planning activities. Without a strategic plan that considers your business’ mission, vision, and values, you may prioritize aspects of the product that could have otherwise been built later.

To begin, let’s define the mission, vision, and values:

Mission statement: Defines the purpose of your organization and the problem you’re trying to solve. It should drive your product roadmap, helping you stay focused on the most important goals.

  • Example: To build a software platform that helps small businesses streamline their operations and improve efficiency.

Vision statement: Outlines where you want your organization to be in the future. It should be aspirational, guiding your long-term product strategy.

  • Example: To be the leading software solutions provider for small businesses, helping them grow and succeed.

Values: The guiding principles that inform how you make decisions and conduct business. They should be reflected in the products and features you build and how you interact with customers and stakeholders.

  • Examples: Innovation, collaboration, and integrity.

By lining up your product roadmap with your mission, vision, and values, you can make sure you’re building a product that fits your organization’s purpose and will help you reach your long-term goals. The mission, vision, and values may evolve over time as you learn more about your product and your focus as an organization. Before completing the next steps, you must understand how to prioritize certain features based on evaluating risk and value (link to blog post).

Once you have your mission, vision, and value, you can create high-level goals for your business and product. Consider information from your customer discovery process, such as which customer pain points you are assisting in resolving. For example, you may be helping your customer scale their current processes. Additionally, consider desired outcomes based on your business needs, such as the number of new or retained customers. Based on this information, set a high-level timeframe. For example, you may want to accomplish these outcomes in 6 months.

Step 2: Determine themes, timeline, and key metrics.

Now that you have a high-level focus and timeframe, it is time to determine general themes, initiatives, timelines, and key metrics.

  • First, start with themes. Themes are broad, high-level categories or areas of focus that help guide the direction of an organization and are used to prioritize and focus efforts. For example, you may have received feedback that it would be helpful for the user to have a video explaining how to use the platform. The theme then might be “Customer Onboarding.” By defining clear themes, organizations can ensure that they are focusing on the areas that will have the most significant impact on the business, its customers, and its users.
  • Timeline is another key element; it’s important to clearly understand when certain high-level features will be delivered and when certain goals will be achieved. This allows the team to plan and work towards specific deadlines and helps with communication with stakeholders. Having a clear timeline also helps identify any potential challenges or delays that may impact the delivery of a feature, allowing the team to take proactive measures to address them. When working through this step, use the information you obtained when evaluating the risk and value of each feature.
  • Lastly, use metrics to track the team’s progress toward goals. Metrics should be quantifiable. They help the team understand how they are performing and to identify areas for improvement.

In summary, themes, timelines, and metrics are powerful tools for product road mapping, as they help organizations stay focused on high-level strategic plans, align with the goals and make it easy for internal and external stakeholders to understand the direction of the product development.

Step 3: Creating initiatives

Once you have a high-level overview of the product roadmap, the next key step in the process is breaking down the roadmap into smaller, more manageable pieces. This might include specific features or milestones. Breaking down your roadmap allows you to track progress and identify potential challenges. It also allows you to focus on one thing at a time, rather than trying to tackle everything at once. In the above step, we broke things down into themes. Now, we are going to create initiatives. Initiatives are specific actions or projects that are taken to achieve the goals of the business within a specific initiative.

For example, let’s say that your product roadmap includes the following high-level theme: “Improved onboarding experience.” To break this down into smaller elements, you might consider the following initiatives:

  • Research current user onboarding experience and identify areas for improvement. This might involve gathering feedback from current users, analyzing usage data, or conducting user interviews to understand common pain points with the current onboarding experience.
  • Develop wireframes for an alternative onboarding flow. Using the insights gathered from the research phase, create wireframes that outline the steps and flow of the improved onboarding experience.
  • Create prototypes for testing with a small group of users. Based on the wireframes, create prototypes that allow you to test the redesigned onboarding flow with a small group of users.
  • Iterate on design based on user feedback. Use the feedback gathered from user testing to make any necessary revisions to the design of the onboarding flow. This may involve making changes to the wireframes and creating new prototypes for testing.
  • Build and launch an improved onboarding experience to all users. With the design finalized, work with the development team to build out the improved onboarding experience. Once complete, launch the feature to all users.

Each of these smaller elements represents a specific piece of work that needs to be completed to achieve the overall goal of improving the user onboarding experience. By breaking down your roadmap into initiatives, you can more easily track and manage progress.

Step 4: Communicating the product roadmap

The final step is communicating and reviewing the product roadmap regularly. This helps ensure everyone is on the same page and working towards the same goals. It also allows flexibility and the ability to adjust your plans based on new information or changing priorities. When developing the roadmap, there are several methods and tools that may be helpful. Tools such as ClickUp or Trello can be helpful in this case.

To communicate and update your roadmap, consider the following:

  • Meet with key stakeholders (such as the product, customer success, and sales teams) to review the roadmap and discuss any questions or concerns.
  • Use a project management tool (such as ClickUp, Asana or Jira) to track progress on each of the more minor elements that make up the overall feature. Use the same tool you used to develop the high-level roadmap, if possible.
  • Schedule regular check-ins with the team responsible for working on features to discuss progress and any challenges.
  • Share updates with customers and other relevant stakeholders via email or through a customer-facing ecosystem (such as an email newsletter or product update page).
  • Review and update the roadmap as needed, at least quarterly, based on new information or changing priorities.

By following these steps and regularly communicating and updating your roadmap, you can ensure that your product is moving in the right direction and meeting the needs of your users and stakeholders.

ECommerce Platforms: When It’s Time to Build Custom Features

ECommerce Platform Feature Development

We all know that eCommerce has transformed the ease with which we find and exchange goods and services. Some of us can barely stand the thought of having to go to a physical store for most purchases. It’s just become so easy and relatively painless to shop online. This is proven by the data. According to Big Commerce, “Sales in online stores are expected to reach 22% of global retail sales by 2023, compared to 14.1% in 2019.” Over the same period that the experience has improved greatly for end users, a similar transformation has taken place for companies launching their stores online. In this article, we aim to explore the evolution of eCommerce from the perspective of the company creating and managing its eCommerce presence.

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How to Evaluate and Prioritize Risk vs. Value of Feature Development

How to Evaluate and Prioritize Risk versus Value of Feature Development

All software platforms must evolve to thrive and survive by adjusting to users’ needs and, when justified, expanding core functionality. The challenge for leadership and product teams is to select the features that provide the greatest ROI with acceptable risk. Too often, feature development is driven more by gut instincts than by a more methodical evaluation of options. In this article, we’ll walk through a very approachable method for identifying and validating your winners in the backlog.

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Practical Use Cases of User Experience Research – Part 3

Use Cases of User Experience Research

Why Conduct UXR?

Use cases typically describe how users interact with a system in order to determine how to optimize the system from the users point of view. User experience research is predicated on that idea; empathizing with users will vastly improve products and save resources in the long run.

There are a multitude of ways to apply user experience research to the product development process, with applications of multiple research methodologies possible at every phase of the design cycle. During early product development, user input steers a product’s concept, branding, and structure. The following use cases are valuable assessment tools that are often used during the early phases of the design thinking process as well as to inform later iterations of the product.

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The Benefits of User Experience Research – Part 2

Benefits of User Experience Research

What is User Experience Research?

User experience research (UXR) aims to empathize with users, developing a deep understanding of their desires and abilities while maintaining the context of the business objectives. With possible applications to every aspect of the design process, user experience research supports iterative improvements to your software and services that enhance users’ experiences with and perceptions of your product.

By empathizing with users and testing the usability of your digital solution, user experience research determines the functionality, efficiency and desirability of your product. Best practices promote and “provide a consistent, rapid, controlled, and thorough method of examining the users’ perspective.” (1)

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What is User Experience Research? Part 1

In this three-part series, REEA Global explores what user experience research is, the benefits to be gained from understanding your users’ voices, and practical use cases to follow through on insights and recommendations.

So what is user experience research? How is it different from user experience design? What’s included in the process? What type of study should be used based on your needs? Let’s dive in!

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